At Access Home Care, we serve a diverse group of clients, including adults with developmental disabilities, elderly individuals, children with extensive medical or behavioral needs, and those with physical disabilities or chronic health conditions. Our services are tailored to meet the needs of those who require support to live independently in their communities or who need specialized care that extends beyond what traditional healthcare facilities offer.

Qualification for our services is generally determined by eligibility for state and federally funded waivers like HCBS-SLS, HCBS-DD, CES, and EBD, which are designed to assist specific groups:

  • HCBS-SLS and HCBS-DD target adults and children with developmental disabilities who require assistance to live more independently in their communities.
  • CES is aimed at children under 18 who have extensive medical or behavioral needs, providing them with additional supports that go beyond typical care.
  • EBD serves elderly individuals, those who are blind, or those with severe physical disabilities, offering supports that help maintain independence and improve quality of life.

To qualify, individuals must meet specific criteria related to their medical conditions and care needs, as assessed by healthcare professionals. These criteria often include the need for assistance with daily living activities, the presence of a disability or medical condition as defined by state and federal guidelines, and eligibility for Medicaid. Our team at Access Home Care is dedicated to guiding each potential client through the assessment and qualification process, ensuring they receive the appropriate care and services tailored to their unique situations.

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